Background The objective of this study was to build up a

Background The objective of this study was to build up a questionnaire for caregivers to measure the eating behavior of Chinese preschoolers. normal-weight, obese and over weight preschoolers when it had been described meals fussiness, food responsiveness, diet plan, satiety responsiveness and psychological eating (and beneath the path of researchers, and 603 full questionnaires SGX-145 had been gathered. The response price was 92.3%. This test was utilized to explore the framework of consuming behavior also to evaluate the validity and reliability of the final questionnaire. Ninety caregivers out of the 603 subjects (approximately 15%) who were selected randomly repeated the questionnaire after 2 weeks. There were no SGX-145 differences in gender distribution or age between those who completed and those who did not complete the repeating questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotate was performed to extract the factor structure. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to confirm the factor structure of the questionnaire. Reliability coefficients including Cronbachs coefficient, split-half reliability, and test-retest reliability were calculated to evaluate the reliability of the questionnaire. Pearsons correlations analysis was used to evaluate content validity and construct validity of the questionnaire. Scores of eating behavior were compared between different groups (gender, age, weight status, and caregivers education levels) by using either value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Bonferroni corrections were applied to control multiple testing, A value <0.0083 was considered statistically significant for multiple comparison among age groups, A value <0.0167 was considered statistically significant for multiple comparison among childs weight status and caregivers education levels. The entire analysis was performed with SPSS 16.0 software. Data Collection and Quality Control Caregiver was defined as the primary caregiver who took treatment SGX-145 of the childs everyday living (diet plan, sleeping, activity, etc) in the home after college and in the weekend. In the analysis, caregiver was asked if he/she was the principal caregiver for the youngster, if he/she yes answered, this caregiver was chosen to full the survey. Every one of the caregivers from the chosen kids in each kindergarten had been asked to congregate within a classroom. Questionnaires had been responded to by caregivers after an investigator described the goals and requirements from the scholarly research at length, as well as the questionnaires had been gathered with the investigator following the caregivers got finished the questionnaires. Childs age, and gender, caregivers educational levels, and child-caregiver relationship were also collected from the health record of each selected child; all the health records were stored in the kindergarten. Childs height and weight were measured at the kindergarten by our investigators according to standardized anthropometric methods [34]. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated using the formula of BMI?=?weight (kg)/height (m2). In accordance VHL with BMIs reference standard, published by the Centre for Disease Control of China [35], all of the children were classified into three groups: normal weight (age- and sex- specified BMI less than the 85th centile); overweight (age- and sex-specified BMI between the 85th and 95th centiles); and obesity (age- and sex-specified BMI greater than the 95th centile). All of the surveys were performed by 5 pediatricians who had been engaging in pediatric practice for at least 5 years. All of the investigators were trained prior to administering the questionnaires. All of the questionnaires were double-checked carefully by the primary investigator, and telephone interviews were conducted to fill in missing information when a questionnaire was not answered completely. EpiData 3.1 software was used to establish a database. To ensure the accuracy of the data, double entry mode was used and a logic check.