Global megatrends-including climate change water and food insecurity overall economy large-scale

Global megatrends-including climate change water and food insecurity overall economy large-scale disasters and wide-spread increases in avoidable diseases-are motivating a bioregionalisation MK-0752 of planning in city-regions all over the world. trend which involves human-animal-environment relationships. The OBROH strategy aims to boost transborder knowledge network ecosystem resilience community involvement in science-society relationships leadership advancement and cross-disciplinary teaching. It really is a theoretically Acta2 educated narrative to steer actions. OBROH is part of a paradigm shift evident worldwide; it is redefining human-ecological human relationships in the quest for healthy place making. The article concludes on a forward-looking notice about the promise of environmental epidemiology telecoupling ecological repair the engaged university or college and bioregional justice as ideas relevant to reinventing place-based planning. Intro The 21st century��s socio-economic ecological and environmental general public health problems are increasingly complex and globally interwoven.1 Our capacity to address these problems (e.g. weather change food and water insecurity economic crisis large-scale disasters and common increases in preventable diseases) hinges on our ability to foster authentic and equitable collaboration among varied sometimes conflicting interests. Narratives are key to framing collaborative attempts.2 This short article sketches a narrative called One Bioregion/One Health (OBROH). The OBROH narrative interweaves (1) emergent discourse in urban and regional planning that focuses on the built environment in relationship to health (e.g. urban design for walkability and active living watershed management for pollution prevention) with (2) emergent discourse in public health and epidemiology that MK-0752 widens the circle of concern for human being health to include human-animal-environment relationships. These two discourses have begun to document how ecosystem integrity is vital to human as well as nonhuman health. With this light ecological repair is becoming an important part of the health equation. Utilising the US-Mexico border as a case in point this short article cites examples of MK-0752 how OBROH has been embraced to promote environmental health security and justice. The focus is definitely on initiatives aimed at improving health results on both sides of the border by improving transboundary institutional network risk assessment monitoring communication and ecological repair. Ecological repair ��is the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded damaged or damaged.��3 Restoration is typically applied as an act of renewal revival or reinvigoration to enhance the ability of ecosystems to change as their environments switch. Ecological repair is driven by a range of organisations with varied interests including wilderness managers striving for high levels of ecological integrity; ranchers needing sustainable soils; and occupants of sister towns such as San Diego in the United States and Tijuana in Mexico who want clean reliable water supplies and a healthy environment. Urban ecological repair is a critical need for US-Mexico border residents because border communities face heightened environmental and general public health risks associated with ecosystem degradation (e.g. risks arising from floods fire dust water contamination and newly emergent disease vectors).4 Ecological repair in urban areas as part of a broader bioregional/watershed approach as articulated by OBROH can increase the positive effects of restored soils air flow and watersheds as well as provide many important socio-economic and health benefits. The US-Mexico Border Region There are many places worldwide where urban growth contiguously spans an international border. These ��transfrontier metropolises��5 often have health risks in common on both sides of the border. The US-Mexico border region-defined like a swath of land 100 kilometres north and 100 kilometres south of the entire international boundary-has an estimated 15 million people mostly concentrated in 14 binational sister towns. The border stretches 3 168 kilometres with 52 legal land crossing points (a place where a vehicle can travel by road or rail from US to Mexican territory).6 MK-0752 It is one of the busiest international land frontiers on the planet. The Good Neighbor Environmental Table (GNEB) an appointed self-employed US federal advisory committee has been addressing environmental issues along the US-Mexico.